Monday, October 11, 2010

free fair ticket

i had no idea that youcould get on blogger at school!!! i dont use it all that much but still like to blog, as if someone is actually reading this. but wait, you are!!!!! you are actually reading this. well keep reading cuz it gets better. im going to the fair this weekend and want to offer a free ticket to anyone who wants to go. please comment or email me if you would like to go and one person will be chosen at random. must be in 8th grade to enter. must be at least 5 entries for a winner. terms subject to change. tickets limeted to 1 if 5 entries or 2 if 15 entries. offer ends thursday. winner subject to bias when being chosen. if entries exeed 16 offer ends. if entries are lower than 5 offer ends. offer subject to immediate change or cancellation. must be a friend on facebook AND skype. must live within the city of rockwall or rowlett. must supply own money for food, tickets, and every expense paid other than commute and ticket. winner may be subject to change after thursday. winner may not take any vsitors or friends. there is no garuntee that there will be a winner.